E. is not yet two but when I saw little gray spots on the back of her bottom teeth I freaked. How could she have cavities? I don’t put her to bed with a sippy cup, I brush her teeth twice a day (okay, I wasn’t as disciplined pre-gray as I am now), she doesn’t get any sweets and very little juice, and she’s not allowed to sip on her drinks all day. I frantically set up an appointment with a pediatric dentist – and I have to admit, I’m not sure which was more important to me: making sure we got her teeth healthy or being reassured that I wasn’t a Bad Mom.
It turns out that it’s staining – and not from anything I can prevent. Possibly too much iron in her diet. Anyway, I couldn’t choose just one pic, so I offer this mini-album (just 8 pics). I’m not sure if its a picture story of her trip to the dentist or a story about a balloon (you’ll see what I mean).
Click to View: Evyn at the Dentist…and Her Balloon
Lacey says
I am so glad that she doesn’t have any cavities. It look as if her appoinment went well. I assure you that she did alot better than most of our patients twice her age.
Dorothy says
She is so darling!