I still remember joking with a cable customer service person several years ago after finding out that the waiting list for cable hookup in my godforsaken town was three weeks – “Three weeks!” I shrieked. “What am I supposed to do for three weeks without cable? READ, or something?” I was totally kidding. But the lady was actually sympathetic, telling me most of her customers freaked out when they heard it was going to take so long.
Isn’t that sad? Sadder still is that my own husband and I gulped a little when the cable went out last week after a thunderstorm and we realized we were going to have to go the whole evening actually doing something together. Imagine that. Sharing something other than The Office or Nashville Star or Raymond re-runs. (okay, even sadder still? When I worked at a PBS station I used to do workshops with parents about being savvy t.v. consumers – I am such. a backslider.)
I was actually a little excited at the prospect of having to find something to do. James tried not to look disappointed when I suggested we play a game. Because, you know, how lame would we be if we admitted that secretly we were a little lost without our t.v.?
I picked Yahtzee. It was my sister’s favorite game in college (who needs spades?). And if I remember correctly, this may have even been the actual game she owned.
I keep paper scraps that commemorate anything we’ve done together – email printouts, receipts, airline tickets, movie tickets, ballet tickets, and yes – even Yahtzee score sheets. I’m a geek like that.
I remembered fairly quickly into the game why I don’t like to play games with James. Because I get scores like this (notice my Grand Total):
And he gets scores like this:
The next morning the cable was still out. We went to the library. And found these little gems – my new favorite books for Evyn:
My favorite was “Going To Town” – mostly because I related to it so well. It was like they captured my feelings upon approaching Target perfectly. Or Homegoods. I love me some Homegoods (if you’ve never been, make the pilgrimage. It’s like TJ Maxx’s home section on crack). Read that last sentence:
I’d like to think I’m not some cable addict. But something about being a stay-at-home mom in a town with seemingly little to do has really challenged my desire to be creative and inspired and productive and emotionally healthy. There’s something about this great open span of time I have on my hands every week that paralyzes me a little. It’s sapped the joy right out of me. And I realized I’ve had enough of it. So I have to do something about it.
I’ve got several ideas. Phone calls to make. Brains to pick. Lists to make. Goals to revisit. But I’m determined to get through this year-long funk I’ve been in and get back to me. The me God intended me to be.
Geez, all that from a silly day without cable.
Melissa aka New Girl on Post says
I love that I’m not the only one who keeps memories like movie tickets, parking validations on trips, etc.
Naomi says
Oh our cable went out the other week and at first I was lost too. But I discovered that the kids fought less, the house was quieter and I got so much more done. That said we were all rejoicing when the TV came back on. LOL.
gaylen says
I can so relate to this post on many levels. Not the Home Goods, because we don’t have one in our town, but the rest of. My other half plays games like that – why play if you’re not going to play to win?
I hope you find yourself and what makes you sing. I’ve beens struggling with that year too. Here’s to getting healthy. g
laura says
just wanted to say i really enjoy your blog
lisette says
Had a hard laugh on this post and a lot off recognition. My cable broke down last saterday and it’s gonna take 4 weeks to get it installed again. I didn’t apply for it, yet… Also finding out what I’m missing and wondering how I’m gonna spend my time (different). I’m single so I don’t have company in my home so that’s to bad (no spontaneous games!!). Probebly a lot more sewing, crocheting and other crafting but what’s the problem in that?
Good luck!
coffeechris says
It is these moments that God presents to us a *pause* – you listened and I know that there is light coming to you from the darkness. Believe me – I know of it first hand these days in my life. I am sending good energy you have are given the grace to stay with the *pause*. blessings
Lucy says
We don’t even *have* a TV, partially because we’re too cheap to buy one. But the biggest reason *I* don’t want a TV (not sure what my husband’s prime motivator is): When I was in college and had ready access to cable, I noticed one day that I didn’t want to read because it was *too much work*. It was at that point I decided the TV was rotting my brain =). We read books loud, now, instead–though we do rent dvds (or check them out from the library for free!) too.
You already seem incredibly creative and inspired and productive to me. I’d love to hear your ideas, and the results of your brain-picking, and see your lists and goals. I hope you get time to share them on the blog.
Keri says
Funny what a day w/o cable can do, huh!! Totally inspiring 🙂
vanessa says
Love the post, I can relate, after having a tv in every room at one point in time and seeing my boys not wanting to go anywhere because of it I took away all the tvs but the one in our living room. In the summer I even take it so far as turning off the tv by 9 so we can get some family time together. Yes we read and play a game or two a week. It’s crazy how much we watched, during the fall season is the worst with all the new shows, but with the handy dvr we record EVERYTHING and watch after family time.
Good luck with getting cable out of your system! it’s hard but worth it!
Kahne says
We’ve been tv-less since we got to Kansas on the 30th, and will still be for another week or more. I’ve kind of enjoyed the silence, but I’m a total TV junkie at night and I’m ready to get back to it! There has been a lot of book reading here, glad you found something to do.
Andrea says
We are BIG Yatzee fans here. But, we’re kind of geeks like that. And we keep the score cards too though I don’t date them. We come up with silly names to put at the top… geeks remember 🙂
Oh, and I have a plastic tub FULL of memories. How could I NOT save them all?? I mean I will someday want to remember that we went to see Ice Age while we were living in Alaska… right? 🙂 (Other than not – totally NOT a pack rat. I’m like the polar opposite!)
Perhaps the cable going out what just what you needed at that moment. 🙂 Sorry, couldn’t help but get all “cliche” on you… Bad, Andrea!!!