Of my three I think I could write a post about you every day and use no words. The entire story is always on your face.
Today, this sweet haircut you gave yourself. All of those beautiful bangs. Chopped off. I was angry for a few minutes, but have learned to let the little things go. And later you came up to me with those puppy eyes and stood next to me with your arm around me: “but you still love me.” Thank goodness – thank goodness you really hear me when I tell you that. That you could never do anything that would make me not love you.
And today you showed me your “tricks.” This is your new love – to show us cool tricks. These tricks of yours are some translation of gymnastics, breakdancing, and an almost-four-year-old’s sheer joyful heart:
Thank you for all the preciousness. Your precious cool tricks and those precious striped leggings and sparkly shoes. And even that sweet, precious haircut. It actually makes me smile every time I see you.
You are the bomb diggity.
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